The Cloud Kids: Lola cutting ribbon
The Cloud Kids: (3) Chance: Now it's whatever land!
The Cloud Kids: Lola working on collage
The Cloud Kids: Elliot's collage in progress
The Cloud Kids: Chance gluing
The Cloud Kids: (2) Chance: Mine is getting abstract stupid thing
The Cloud Kids: (1) Chance: I'm making the land of Chinatown . . .
The Cloud Kids: Chance working on his orange collage
The Cloud Kids: Chance cutting tape
The Cloud Kids: Elliot working on an orange collage
The Cloud Kids: Elliot begins an orange collage
The Cloud Kids: Chance reads his orange ideas
The Cloud Kids: Lola shows an orange orange from her orange collection!
The Cloud Kids: Elliot shows Lola a piece from her orange collection (1)
The Cloud Kids: Elliot shows Lola a piece from her orange collection (2)