Clothespin Lady: And so it begins....
Clothespin Lady: Semipalmated Plover
Clothespin Lady: Semipalmated Plover
Clothespin Lady: Tidal Mudflats
Clothespin Lady: Tidal Mudflats
Clothespin Lady: Tidal Mudflats
Clothespin Lady: Ellis Creek.... Extreme zoom
Clothespin Lady: Turtle Basking Log
Clothespin Lady: So it begins.... sunrise over Tolay
Clothespin Lady: Peter and the Goat
Clothespin Lady: No Mister Bull, we are NOT looking at you!
Clothespin Lady: This tree usually is home to two American Kestrels. We saw only one today.
Clothespin Lady: ID Needed on this Plant
Clothespin Lady: Almost Crush!
Clothespin Lady: Peter, JoAnn, Joy, Andy and I at the Ridgeline
Clothespin Lady: Tolay Regional Park
Clothespin Lady: Beautiful Open Space
Clothespin Lady: Beautiful Open Space
Clothespin Lady: Making Our Way Down to the Ponds