Clothespin Lady: So It Begins
Clothespin Lady: Disneyland 60th Celebration
Clothespin Lady: Family Vacation 2016
Clothespin Lady: Michael at Hyper-Space Mountain
Clothespin Lady: Hyperspace Mountain
Clothespin Lady: a parade!
Clothespin Lady: California Adventure....where they sell beer!
Clothespin Lady: IMG_0010-8
Clothespin Lady: California Screamin' with my Niece Jenna
Clothespin Lady: California Screamin' with my Niece Jenna
Clothespin Lady: SO many bugs on California Screamin' it was like being a windshileld on I5
Clothespin Lady: California Adventure
Clothespin Lady: Karl Strauss Handcrafted Beers
Clothespin Lady: Tomorrowland
Clothespin Lady: Fireworks
Clothespin Lady: Sleeping Beauty's Castle
Clothespin Lady: Buzz Lightyear with Jenna
Clothespin Lady: Majestic Gardens Hotel
Clothespin Lady: My Niece Jenna and I
Clothespin Lady: California Adventure
Clothespin Lady: Disneyland's 60th
Clothespin Lady: Welcome to Disneyland!
Clothespin Lady: My niece Jenna and I
Clothespin Lady: Jenna, Goofy and me!
Clothespin Lady: Arrival at Disneyland
Clothespin Lady: Arrival at Disneyland
Clothespin Lady: Arrival at Disneyland
Clothespin Lady: The Family
Clothespin Lady: The Family at Disneyland
Clothespin Lady: Pluto: First Character of the Day