Clothespin Lady: Vagabond Inn, a rainy Monday morning
Clothespin Lady: Rock Pigeons and Denny's, home of very hot coffee and handy restrooms!
Clothespin Lady: Vagabond Inn, SLO
Clothespin Lady: Somewhere between San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay
Clothespin Lady: Somewhere between San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay
Clothespin Lady: Somewhere between San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay
Clothespin Lady: Birding Morro Coast
Clothespin Lady: Osprey, Morro Coast
Clothespin Lady: Morro Coast
Clothespin Lady: Morro Coast
Clothespin Lady: Morro Coast
Clothespin Lady: Morro Coast
Clothespin Lady: Turkey Vultures
Clothespin Lady: Turkey Vultures
Clothespin Lady: Rainy Days and Mondays at Morro Bay
Clothespin Lady: Rainy Days and Mondays at Morro Bay
Clothespin Lady: Rainy Days and Mondays at Morro Bay
Clothespin Lady: GPS handy little thing!
Clothespin Lady: Morro Bay
Clothespin Lady: Morro Bay
Clothespin Lady: Morro Bay
Clothespin Lady: Morro Bay
Clothespin Lady: Morro Bay Power Plant
Clothespin Lady: Morro Bay, Rock of Gibraltar of the Pacific
Clothespin Lady: Morro Bay Power Plant
Clothespin Lady: Morro Bay Power Plant
Clothespin Lady: Morro Bay Power Plant
Clothespin Lady: Morro Bay, the Gibraltar of the Pacific
Clothespin Lady: Coast Guard heading out of the channel at Morro Bay, no easy task
Clothespin Lady: Breakfast stop at The Coffee Pot Restaurant in Morro Bay