Clothespin Lady: View Reserve Box 326 Row A
Clothespin Lady: Native American Dancers
Clothespin Lady: Native American Dancers
Clothespin Lady: Native American Heritage Night
Clothespin Lady: Native American Dancers
Clothespin Lady: Nilabon sporting her new Giraffe hat
Clothespin Lady: Steven and Nilabon
Clothespin Lady: Smile Giraffe!
Clothespin Lady: Kathy "Gamer Babe" G
Clothespin Lady: I'm ready!
Clothespin Lady: I caught it! Nah, just kidding
Clothespin Lady: Creepy Seal We Will Rock You
Clothespin Lady: Creepy seal song with human mouth
Clothespin Lady: Batter up
Clothespin Lady: Lucky Kicks
Clothespin Lady: King of Beers
Clothespin Lady: Romo! El Mechon
Clothespin Lady: R O M O !!!!
Clothespin Lady: Giants WIN!
Clothespin Lady: Atta way boys
Clothespin Lady: Song Two (Woo Hoo!) playing!
Clothespin Lady: Giants 5 Padres 4
Clothespin Lady: 'I Left My Heart, in San Francisco"
Clothespin Lady: View from behind the plate view reserve
Clothespin Lady: Gamer Babes
Clothespin Lady: Gamer Babes