Clothespin Lady: I'm having a beer, a Monteith's. Marcia is having water.....
Clothespin Lady: Not bad at all!
Clothespin Lady: Ew. Marcia's stir fry. Dinner at the Plump Pigeon, not so good.
Clothespin Lady: I had a wrap, thought I would choose healthy, but it was served with a huge portion of fries, and slathered in dressing
Clothespin Lady: The Plump Pigeon in Franz Josef. Not our favorite meal, but a darn fine cuppa coffee!
Clothespin Lady: Sculpture in Franz Josef
Clothespin Lady: This 'bed' may as well been a pile of hay. We stripped it, unzipped the super king bed, and both had a good night's sleep
Clothespin Lady: Mockup of glacier country at the Information Center at Franz Josef
Clothespin Lady: We got a perspective of the glaciers, and I was again amazed that I flew over these in a helicoopter!
Clothespin Lady: A photo of the sign, looks like the ranger is actually there! Every day at 10am they update the sign. Lot's of danger signs!
Clothespin Lady: The tramp to Fox Glacier, along the moraine
Clothespin Lady: Beware of rock slides.....
Clothespin Lady: Beware of huge boulder slides!
Clothespin Lady: No Stopping..... Rockslide area
Clothespin Lady: Tramping to the Fox Glacier terminus, waterfalls
Clothespin Lady: Fox Glacier
Clothespin Lady: Self Portrait at the Fox Glacier
Clothespin Lady: Fox Glacier
Clothespin Lady: Fox Glacier
Clothespin Lady: Fox Glacier
Clothespin Lady: Waterfalls along the moraine, Fox Glacier
Clothespin Lady: Waterfalls along the trail to Fox Glacier
Clothespin Lady: More waterfalls along the trail to Fox Glacier
Clothespin Lady: Fox Glacier
Clothespin Lady: Beware of falling rock, and falling ice!
Clothespin Lady: Fox Glacier
Clothespin Lady: Picture of the picture..... the terminus of Fox Glacier
Clothespin Lady: Fox Glacier
Clothespin Lady: Fox Glacier
Clothespin Lady: Fox Glacier