Clothespin Lady: Leaving Tuscany
Clothespin Lady: Tired Feets
Clothespin Lady: Changing trains in Firenze
Clothespin Lady: Florence Train Station
Clothespin Lady: Florence Train Station
Clothespin Lady: Shhhh, another Mickey D break
Clothespin Lady: McDonald's Florence Train Station
Clothespin Lady: Florence Happy Meal
Clothespin Lady: Florence Train Station
Clothespin Lady: Florence Train Station
Clothespin Lady: Florence Train Station
Clothespin Lady: On the Eurostar
Clothespin Lady: Eurostar Italia
Clothespin Lady: Train Station in Milan
Clothespin Lady: Milan Traffic
Clothespin Lady: Milan: bus driver on the cell phone
Clothespin Lady: Milan Traffic
Clothespin Lady: Milan Autogrill
Clothespin Lady: Hotel Cervo in Milan
Clothespin Lady: Prosciutto con melone
Clothespin Lady: Hotel Cervo Restaurant
Clothespin Lady: Hotel Cervo Restaurant
Clothespin Lady: Hotel Cervo Restaurant: Lasagna
Clothespin Lady: Hotel Cervo: Malpensa
Clothespin Lady: Hotel Cervo: Malpensa
Clothespin Lady: Outside of Hotel Cervo