Clothespin Lady: The La Foce Cemetary
Clothespin Lady: Marcia at La Foce
Clothespin Lady: Mary at La Foce
Clothespin Lady: A strange tree on the grounds of La Foce
Clothespin Lady: A headstone in the middle of nowhere
Clothespin Lady: Marcia mapping our route
Clothespin Lady: Let's see, we are here.....
Clothespin Lady: Ah ha! Here's where we'll go!
Clothespin Lady: The cemetary at Radicofani
Clothespin Lady: The cemetary at Radicofani, almost all the headstones had photos on them
Clothespin Lady: Monte Amiata
Clothespin Lady: View from inside Radicofani
Clothespin Lady: View from inside Radicofani
Clothespin Lady: Rocca di Radicofani
Clothespin Lady: Walls of Radicofani, and Mary
Clothespin Lady: Deb below Radicofani, which we climbed!
Clothespin Lady: Mary atop Radicofani
Clothespin Lady: Mary on her way up to the top
Clothespin Lady: View from top of Radicofani
Clothespin Lady: Deb atop Radicofani with Monte Amiata in the distance
Clothespin Lady: Same Same
Clothespin Lady: View from a room
Clothespin Lady: Let me out!
Clothespin Lady: You, go stand in the corner.
Clothespin Lady: Help me!
Clothespin Lady: Ah, a kitty! And on a leash no less!
Clothespin Lady: Villa 2007 464
Clothespin Lady: Villa 2007 465
Clothespin Lady: Bagno San Filippo