Clothespin Lady: Boarding the AVE from Barcelona to Madrid
Clothespin Lady: AVE- Train from Barcelona to Madrid
Clothespin Lady: Having a Coca Cola Light on the train
Clothespin Lady: Huge restroom on the train!
Clothespin Lady: Spanish Countryside
Clothespin Lady: Train from Barcelona to Madrid
Clothespin Lady: Train from Barcelona to Madrid
Clothespin Lady: Arrival at the Madrid train station. If the AVE train is late, you get your money back!
Clothespin Lady: Inside the train station Federico gathers the flock
Clothespin Lady: Pack Light..... NOT
Clothespin Lady: Exterior of old Atocha station
Clothespin Lady: Atocha Station Madrid
Clothespin Lady: 11th of March Memorial
Clothespin Lady: Almudena Cathedral Madrid
Clothespin Lady: Almudena Cathedral Madrid
Clothespin Lady: Welcome to Madrid!
Clothespin Lady: Hotel Europa
Clothespin Lady: Hotel Europa
Clothespin Lady: Hotel Europa Bathroom
Clothespin Lady: Hotel Europa- Our makeshift safe, a bidet with a lid!
Clothespin Lady: Ugh, laundry day
Clothespin Lady: OMG, it's ICE! If only the Spaniards could tell the Italians about ice
Clothespin Lady: Reina Sofia, Madrid's modern art gallery
Clothespin Lady: Reina Sofia, Madrid's modern art gallery
Clothespin Lady: Picasso's Guernica
Clothespin Lady: Picasso's Guernica