thechickswithsticks: Hourglass Wonky hem
thechickswithsticks: Hourglass!!!
thechickswithsticks: monkeysocks
thechickswithsticks: andrewsSocks
thechickswithsticks: Baby Mary's Hat
thechickswithsticks: Baby Mary's Hat
thechickswithsticks: Princess B's Pink Socks
thechickswithsticks: Half a Monkey
thechickswithsticks: Monkey Socks
thechickswithsticks: Ribby Cardi sleeves
thechickswithsticks: Opal Ladybug Sock
thechickswithsticks: Monkey Socks in Vesper yarn with new cool shoes
thechickswithsticks: Opal Ladybug socks
thechickswithsticks: Opal Ladybug Socks
thechickswithsticks: Ladybug sock stripes
thechickswithsticks: Spinning outside
thechickswithsticks: ladybug socks
thechickswithsticks: Embossed LEaves
thechickswithsticks: Embossed Leaves closeup
thechickswithsticks: Elfine Socks
thechickswithsticks: Elfine Socks
thechickswithsticks: Fleece Artist Yarn
thechickswithsticks: Feb+2007+Ann-Marie+Gifts+001
thechickswithsticks: Socks at the beach