thechelseagrin: lina [mono, 4]
thechelseagrin: lina [mono, 3]
thechelseagrin: linsa [mono, 2]
thechelseagrin: lina [mono, 1]
thechelseagrin: smiley [mono, 2]
thechelseagrin: smiley [mono, 3]
thechelseagrin: gilles [2]
thechelseagrin: gilles [3]
thechelseagrin: gilles [4]
thechelseagrin: gilles [5]
thechelseagrin: gilles [6]
thechelseagrin: gilles [1]
thechelseagrin: "Sometimes, it's dangerous. Sometimes we don't see the whole scope. We close our eyes. We go step by step. If you're afraid...too bad! Sometimes I've said to myself, 'Que'st-ce que je fais ici?' But a few minutes after, it's finished."