thechelseagrin: Baboon family
thechelseagrin: Hippopotamus
thechelseagrin: Abyssinian ground hornbill
thechelseagrin: Elephants
thechelseagrin: Elephants
thechelseagrin: Jackson's hartebeest
thechelseagrin: Hartebeest
thechelseagrin: Giraffes
thechelseagrin: Giraffes
thechelseagrin: Buffalo herd
thechelseagrin: Watering hole
thechelseagrin: Hippo swamp
thechelseagrin: Murchison Falls National Park
thechelseagrin: Crested crane in flight
thechelseagrin: Giraffe, viewed from the bus
thechelseagrin: Giraffe [mono]
thechelseagrin: Crested crane
thechelseagrin: Crested crane
thechelseagrin: View from the bus