The Cat Empire: 1000shows, 10000 people... #tce1000
The Cat Empire: But still so much light... #tce1000
The Cat Empire: Delilah McGill is pumped for The Cat Empire's 1000th show! #tce1000 #fedsquare
The Cat Empire: The crowd are warming up for the 1000th show. Come along, spread the word, after all, it's free!! #tce1000 #fedsquare
The Cat Empire: The village empire? #theexhibitioncentreriddledwithpolicies
The Cat Empire: #mosaicfestival #singapore #esplanadeconcerthall This is the venue we are playing tonight. It will be interesting to see how we go in a seated venue. I am keen to get one of their grand pianos on stage, so should be fun!
The Cat Empire: 1000th show 21st march at fed square. Free! See you there. #shouldbefun #1000shows #fedsquare
The Cat Empire: Basically, it's been fun #riverboatsmusicfestival
The Cat Empire: On the way to riverboats! Only 600 k's to go.
The Cat Empire: My daughter Edie asked me to draw The Cat Empire today. This is what came out... Sorry. But can you guess who is who?
The Cat Empire: Kieran: Is their mouth wider than their nose? Ryan: Yes. #guesswho #southbound
The Cat Empire: #southbound!!!!!!!
The Cat Empire: Today is a travel day to Perth from the Goldcoast.. via Melbourne??? And we have a 3 hour layover. All in all a 10 hour trip. Fun times!
The Cat Empire: Happy new year from falls!
The Cat Empire: Turned out to be a nice day for an outdoor gig after all! Thanks people of Hobart and wider Tasi!
The Cat Empire: Fat Porsche!
The Cat Empire: Looking forward to playing here today. Nice spot!
The Cat Empire: Back in the studio with Jan Skuba!