The Cat Empire: London Calling...About to set off for...
The Cat Empire: Nice theatre here in Birmingham to...
The Cat Empire: Yeah Bournemouth!!!
The Cat Empire: Getting ready for Brixton Academy tonight...
The Cat Empire: Impressive crowd last night in that...
The Cat Empire: Jumps has grown, or that's a...
The Cat Empire: Oxford, UK. Home to Bob Hawke's...
The Cat Empire: Soaking up Oxford at the Turf...
The Cat Empire: Who's coming tonight Oxford people?!
The Cat Empire: Flap! vibing up the crowd. Looking...
The Cat Empire: Giant mirror ball tonight!
The Cat Empire: Yeah Sheffield! Thanks for having us!!
The Cat Empire: Gig #976 tonight in Norwich. Why...
The Cat Empire: Well, James, the doco maker, was...
The Cat Empire: A happy apple considering its past...
The Cat Empire: And then...
The Cat Empire: Introducing Ben Hendry. Big shoes to...
The Cat Empire: I love the blur tool on...
The Cat Empire: So, it's 1am and the bus...
The Cat Empire: Offenbach, loved the theatre, especially the...
The Cat Empire: crowdselfy or #croufy... Am I a...
The Cat Empire: Nice little duo happening backstage at #grossefreiheit36 #hamburg with Roscoe James Irwin on guitar and Jess Guille on banjolele.
The Cat Empire: #hamburg collection. For you to enjoy...
The Cat Empire: A view from a Melodica... #marseille It was probably the loveliest crowd so far... Not big, not crazy, just lovely!
The Cat Empire: #marseille, what a pleasure!
The Cat Empire: #Barcelona, it's been 8 years and I'll tell you what, it was pretty amazing! Thank you.
The Cat Empire: #Lyon. C'est fun.
The Cat Empire: #Lyon. C'est belle et c'est bon.
The Cat Empire: My new profile picture, as drawn by an eccentric Dutchman... #amsterdam
The Cat Empire: #garedunord straight across from our hotel. #paris