The Cat Empire: An update...
The Cat Empire: This is how a band photo...
The Cat Empire: Rehearsing new album material today with...
The Cat Empire: 254053924375112136_17486782520130904-3361-j11hr
The Cat Empire: 254054468091128268_17486782520130904-3361-14nkj8q
The Cat Empire: Thanks Port Hedland! It was great...
The Cat Empire: Day one of recording the new album
The Cat Empire: Day two: Jumps on the chekere
The Cat Empire: Day 3: the clap. It's infectious.
The Cat Empire: The clap. It's really catching on.
The Cat Empire: Day four
The Cat Empire: jskoobie: "You know you're really producing...
The Cat Empire: Day five: editing takes a lot...
The Cat Empire: Day six: horns
The Cat Empire: Day seven. @jskoobie at work.
The Cat Empire: Day eight. This is how relaxed...
The Cat Empire: Day nine. Song eight. That's a...
The Cat Empire: Day ten. Ollie recording the chonk...
The Cat Empire: Day eleven of recording the new...
The Cat Empire: Day twelve. Bass.
The Cat Empire: Day thirteen. Nobody in the band...
The Cat Empire: Day fourteen. Moog's eye view.
The Cat Empire: Day fifteen. It's DJ Jumps day.
The Cat Empire: Day Sixteen. Lisa, do you find...
The Cat Empire: Day seventeen. Harry doing some guide vocals.
The Cat Empire: Day eighteen. No camera can capture...
The Cat Empire: Day nineteen: Felix and Will
The Cat Empire: Day twenty. This one goes to eleven.
The Cat Empire: Day twenty-one. We'd better get onto...
The Cat Empire: Day twenty-two. Hair/headphone management.