theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]烤肥腸
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]烤牛舌
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]烤牛肉與烤雞肉
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]右邊的梅乾茶泡飯超好吃~
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]ささの
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]剩下兩口的烤杏鮑菇]
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]可惜我不吃蔥
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]
theCarol: [090101.台中酒吞]
theCarol: 走6號國道,下14號省道。
theCarol: 在路邊看到一整片的油菜花田
theCarol: Fresh!
theCarol: brilliant yellow
theCarol: The sweet wind blows on
theCarol: with a noble purpose, a moment of happiness
theCarol: [草屯花田]陽光太刺眼
theCarol: 引人駐足的路邊這片花田
theCarol: Bees sing in close harmony
theCarol: Hide away in the winter flower