theCarol: ahbei,Beijing 798,June
theCarol: flypig,Beijing 798,June
theCarol: Four, Five's home,morning in Beijing
theCarol: Five, his home,morning in Beijing
theCarol: Luk, Five's home,morning in Beijing
theCarol: Luk, Five's home,morning in Beijing
theCarol: 40 years old
theCarol: National Day,One night in Taipei. from Grand Hotel
theCarol: KEN
theCarol: self-portrait the reflection in Paris Metro
theCarol: wall of dilaceration
theCarol: 070904_k_Metro_Ken's reflection
theCarol: Bonjour Mr.Dali!(espace Montmartre Salvador Dali)
theCarol: 綠島文化園區(舊綠島監獄)的國旗牆
theCarol: 9/5Arc de triomphe de l'Étoile凱旋門
theCarol: 9/3 La Tour Eiffel艾菲爾鐵塔
theCarol: 啊!鳥剛好飛走了
theCarol: 凡爾賽花園
theCarol: La Défense新凱旋門_再一次假時尚海報
theCarol: La Défense新凱旋門_連拍2
theCarol: day1_HotelAllegro
theCarol: day1_HotelAllegro
theCarol: 他們就直接坐在沙地通道的正中央看書
theCarol: 一對女生情侶Lovely Lesbian
theCarol: 070906_Montmartre蒙馬特_ken
theCarol: 070906_d_雙叟咖啡_Reading.
theCarol: 070906_d_雙叟咖啡Les Duex Magots,Paris
theCarol: 走過塞納河
theCarol: 報上有數獨與填字遊戲 An abandoned newspaper printed sudoku & games
theCarol: me in 佃權