thecandythief: Kate Austin-Avon
thecandythief: Otto!!!
thecandythief: waking up in Vermont is just about the best ever!
thecandythief: Parents of the bride and groom!
thecandythief: Kate Austin-Avon
thecandythief: Kate Austin-Avon
thecandythief: The Austin-Avons
thecandythief: dancing....
thecandythief: Erin and Sean
thecandythief: The cool kids, Kara and Joe
thecandythief: The cool kids, Kara and Joe
thecandythief: Kate's so cute!
thecandythief: the hotties!
thecandythief: sparkly shoes
thecandythief: Kate Austin-Avon
thecandythief: adorable