The Bugmaster: When I finally found my wings I was too afraid to fly. There were power lines and towers stretched across the sky. A tear had swiftly formed within my tired eye. I’m sure the world has found a way to pass me by.
The Bugmaster: .: A Curtain of Green :.
The Bugmaster: Tomorrow is here, I'm further near, Except this losing revelation, You are closer yet in my mind, They say the tardy fruit's a fuller wine, Everywhere I go I look for you, Do you look for me where you go too?
The Bugmaster: What bored photographers do with their time
The Bugmaster: .:The Ghostly Spotlight:.
The Bugmaster: .:Light in Dark Corners:.
The Bugmaster: .:The Study of Dragons:.
The Bugmaster: .:Crooked Still:.
The Bugmaster: .:Warm and Bright:.
The Bugmaster: .:The Magician's Dinner:.
The Bugmaster: There are ghosts in this forest, they live within the trees. They blow within the hollows, like a moaning breeze. They scatter leaves before them, they use their icy breath. They touch their hands to strangers, to frighten them to death.
The Bugmaster: The King stood tall, for his Queen was always by his side. The tribulations that assualted him held no calamnity, for she was always by his side. The wars could rage beyond his borders, but there was peace within his realm, for she was always by his side.
The Bugmaster: These golden moments they slip away. The winter's coming fast. The fields are reaped and turned to hay. And Autumn now is past.
The Bugmaster: Far over the green hills far from the deep blue sea, past the snowy earthen lands is the land of the golden tree. Where the light of the setting sun is held within the withered leaves, and the raven roosts upon the top of the farmer's new wheat sheaves.
The Bugmaster: It was a town once... I place where people lived. Men and woman and children... but they are long lost now. For time has swallowed them up and left nothing behind but a broken memory.
The Bugmaster: Twelve horses had been stolen. Twelve wooden ones carved. Twelve souls did he transfer. Into his carousel ride.
The Bugmaster: .:One and a half Legs:.
The Bugmaster: .:Little Treasures Make Little Pleasures:.
The Bugmaster: .:Ghostly Nightlife:.
The Bugmaster: .:The Weeping Bishops:.
The Bugmaster: Pick me a star and plait it in my hair. I have a love for you that nothing can tear. Bring me a flower of the sky. Let time stand still for you and I.
The Bugmaster: Time seemed to stop, but the world rushed away from me. My window of escape seemed to diminish into the distance.
The Bugmaster: Then we came to a place where the leaves were bigger than our heads and the trees were bigger still!
The Bugmaster: Wading Deep Waters
The Bugmaster: Did he see something that I could not?
The Bugmaster: "There's a lot of things you'll never know, little bird."
The Bugmaster: Walkin' down the road with nothin' to my name 'cept the clothes on my back and the music in my head.
The Bugmaster: Have you ever wondered if you were the one that was upside down?
The Bugmaster: Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.