brandy*: Empire Builder
brandy*: BOW: Supplies
brandy*: BOW: Kitchen
brandy*: BOW: Cabin TV
brandy*: BOW: Snacks
brandy*: BOW: Breakfast of Champions
brandy*: My digs
brandy*: BOW: Dining Hall
brandy*: BOW: Becoming an Outdoors Woman
brandy*: BOW: Becoming an Outdoors Woman
brandy*: Day 1: Dogsledding
brandy*: Focused
brandy*: (Owner) Brad helps us straighten out the dogs
brandy*: Ready to go
brandy*: Pit stop
brandy*: Into the wild blue yonder
brandy*: On the trail
brandy*: Lora, rockin' the sled!
brandy*: I don't know who was smiling more...the dogs or the people
brandy*: Don't blink
brandy*: Sledders up ahead
brandy*: Tired pooches
brandy*: Day 2: Cross Country Skiing
brandy*: Ready for Adventure!
brandy*: Tracking presentation
brandy*: Day 3: Snowshoeing
brandy*: Taking a quick break
brandy*: Tracking stuff...I think?
brandy*: Sandy and Lora
brandy*: Micky