The Browns of Tipp: Jack in his Loot Crate gear
The Browns of Tipp: Rockin' our cool shades
The Browns of Tipp: My two favorite captains
The Browns of Tipp: Picard, Jack, Sisco, and Janeway
The Browns of Tipp: We are so cool
The Browns of Tipp: Sisco, Jack, Janeway, and Archer
The Browns of Tipp: Janeway, Archer, and Jill
The Browns of Tipp: Kirk, Jill, Kirk, Picard, Jack, and Sisco
The Browns of Tipp: Sisco, Janeway, Archer, and Jill
The Browns of Tipp: Old pic of Jack that Lainey sent
The Browns of Tipp: Big fat Missy cat
The Browns of Tipp: It's cold enough the net froze!
The Browns of Tipp: I think this is not the case
The Browns of Tipp: First fire in the firepit
The Browns of Tipp: Basketball says we got snow.
The Browns of Tipp: 20150401_153949
The Browns of Tipp: 20150403_181610
The Browns of Tipp: Bo in Downward Facing Dog
The Browns of Tipp: Bo and Jack, just hanging out.
The Browns of Tipp: Missy being jealous
The Browns of Tipp: My favorite kind of lap to have
The Browns of Tipp: He sleeps with his paw on my leg so I don't leave
The Browns of Tipp: They're so cute when they're sleeping
The Browns of Tipp: Stitches! 13 of them
The Browns of Tipp: Sound asleep and snoring here
The Browns of Tipp: Dog in Flower Bed
The Browns of Tipp: Seeing The Addams Family
The Browns of Tipp: He knows stitches = no bath.
The Browns of Tipp: Bo and Todd