thebradholt: Snack basket and suitcase
thebradholt: Hotel room wall
thebradholt: Marfa bathroom (8 pano)
thebradholt: Wire scorpion on counter
thebradholt: Remington Quiet-Riter typwriter
thebradholt: Thunderbird Hotel
thebradholt: Thunderbird Hotel sign
thebradholt: Harpoon Cider in the sink
thebradholt: Harpoon Cider in the sink
thebradholt: Emily by hotel room in chair
thebradholt: 0318 HOTEL sign at Thunderbird
thebradholt: HOTEL sign at Thunderbird CLOSE
thebradholt: Harpoon Cider on wood
thebradholt: Supermoon
thebradholt: LOUNGE sign green
thebradholt: 10pm ''Marfa Lights'' view
thebradholt: 0319 Marfa water tower, blue sky
thebradholt: ''Overkill'' deer with gold sticks
thebradholt: Emily smiles next to bike
thebradholt: Emily laughs next to bike
thebradholt: MARFA BOOK COMPANY sign
thebradholt: MARFA BOOK COMPANY sign and bike (sexy)
thebradholt: Emily smiles, riding bike
thebradholt: Emily rides bike through Marfa
thebradholt: Emily rides bike through Marfa, BEHIND
thebradholt: WELCOME LAGOW door, grungy
thebradholt: ICE PLANT sign
thebradholt: THUNDERBIRD bike
thebradholt: Metal chair and logs