Shreyans Bhansali: DSCF7484
Shreyans Bhansali: DSCF7436
Shreyans Bhansali: DSCF7402
Shreyans Bhansali: DSCF7336
Shreyans Bhansali: DSCF7318
Shreyans Bhansali: DSCF7312
Shreyans Bhansali: DSCF7302
Shreyans Bhansali: DSCF7290
Shreyans Bhansali: IMG_20200126_171111
Shreyans Bhansali: IMG_20200126_171509
Shreyans Bhansali: IMG_20200127_072432
Shreyans Bhansali: IMG_20200126_173151 (1)
Shreyans Bhansali: IMG_20200128_114835
Shreyans Bhansali: new outlets
Shreyans Bhansali: I love people that care, and these people really care. Dream team.
Shreyans Bhansali: I've long felt that the biggest story over the last and next 100 years is the slow but inevitable rise of half of the world - women. Despite frequent setbacks, progress is being made everywhere. This is a tide that won't be turned back, and that's a beau
Shreyans Bhansali: when in the land of pink and green...
Shreyans Bhansali: Doors of Marrakech, subdued tones but rich detail, grand entrances on narrow alleys, quiet courtyards off chaotic streets.
Shreyans Bhansali: We were exploring abandoned rooms, and she found gold.
Shreyans Bhansali: ☀️😴
Shreyans Bhansali: so. much. style.
Shreyans Bhansali: Grandma, she's raised a good family.
Shreyans Bhansali: Doors of Jodhpur, day 2. This place is overflowing with beauty. And people, and sounds, and smells, and everything really.
Shreyans Bhansali: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope
Shreyans Bhansali: once upon a time in the tundra
Shreyans Bhansali: Rain suits Hong Kong
Shreyans Bhansali: 🙏 . . . #lifeisaluciddream #alive #beinghuman #liveyourfantasies
Shreyans Bhansali: Had a short stay at the hospital yesterday, and experienced two classic conflicting healthcare emotions: at one end, stress from dealing with insurance inconsistencies and questions like who makes critical decisions for you if you are unable, and on the o