joebibby: 2010-08-13-IMG_3450-JBIBBY
joebibby: 2010-08-13-IMG_3452-JBIBBY
joebibby: 2010-08-13-IMG_3455-JBIBBY
joebibby: OK...
joebibby: Invader
joebibby: 2010-08-13-IMG_3474-JBIBBY
joebibby: Uhhh...
joebibby: Where are we!?!?
joebibby: Sobering image
joebibby: Periscope
joebibby: Periscope
joebibby: Periscope
joebibby: Blast Door
joebibby: Launch Complex 34
joebibby: Launch Complex 34
joebibby: Launch Complex 34
joebibby: Launch Complex 34
joebibby: Saturn I and IB flame deflectors
joebibby: Saturn I and IB flame deflector
joebibby: Saturn I and IB flame deflectors
joebibby: Saturn I and IB flame deflectors
joebibby: Saturn I and IB flame deflectors
joebibby: Saturn I and IB flame deflector
joebibby: Saturn I and IB flame deflectors
joebibby: Saturn I and IB flame deflector