louise.berry: Johnny's birthday at Yankee Stadium 004
louise.berry: Johnny's birthday at Yankee Stadium 005
louise.berry: Johnny's birthday at Yankee Stadium 006
louise.berry: Johnny's birthday at Yankee Stadium 009
louise.berry: Johnny's birthday at Yankee Stadium 012
louise.berry: Johnny's birthday at Yankee Stadium 013
louise.berry: Johnny's birthday at Yankee Stadium 016
louise.berry: Johnny's birthday at Yankee Stadium 017
louise.berry: Grounds crew at Yankee stadium
louise.berry: See ya!
louise.berry: home plate after grand slam
louise.berry: Yankees win! Yankees win!
louise.berry: Johnny's birthday at Yankee Stadium 027
louise.berry: singing New York, New York after the win
louise.berry: Johnny's birthday at Yankee Stadium 030
louise.berry: Yankee Stadium
louise.berry: fans leave the stadium
louise.berry: Metro North station at Yankee stadium