The Bees: Coco agrees: it's a great day for blankets. We were going to drive to Ottawa today with @gilliancrafts but decided to let the snow pass over first, so we've had an unexpected day off at home. Lovely. A few errands, the @waterloopotters show, and now, a pi
The Bees: More of my #northlymehat for #wovember. I made good progress at the @kwknittersguild tonight!
The Bees: How's that for fab #wovember texture? I think this might be my new computer wallpaper... (playing around with macro lenses)
The Bees: I'm so amused that the colour in this @thegaynorhomestead Knit-Wit yarn shifted EXACTLY on the round when I shifted from the band to the body of my @woollywormhead #northlymehat. It looks like I switched yarns! #wovember
The Bees: Snuggly pupperbean 😍
The Bees: Okay, okay, maybe NOW I'll stop with the embarrassing photos. Maybe.
The Bees: Apparently today is exclusively for posting embarrassing pictures of this little lady! (She's been dreaming like this for 5 minutes...)
The Bees: For #diabetesawarenessmonth, my insulin pump and I are over at the @sewcialists blog, talking about how much my handmade clothing helps me handle the challenges of having this device attached to me 24/7. (Thanks to @gilliancrafts for both making so much o
The Bees: The #uptownknitmob checked out a new (to us) uptown venue tonight, and Mr. Bee was happy to come along to test the food and beer. Note that he's sporting those #kanumbramitts, though he did take them off when the nachos arrived...!
The Bees: It's pouring, and we're all worrying about today's results in the US. I think most of us, like Coco, would prefer to hide until it's all over. US friends, please, please, get out and VOTE and do so with compassion and deliberation and courage. The rest of
The Bees: Presenting the world's least enthusiastic hat model! (And a finished hat, unless I decide to ass a pom-pom...)
The Bees: For a complete change of pace, I'm knitting with super bulky acrylic for the first time in many, many years. This has a hi-vis reflective strand spun through it, as you can see in the picture with the flash (right side). Perfect for dog walks, once Coco i
The Bees: Goodness! It's non-dog content! I finally finished these #kanumbramitts for Mr Bee, after ripping out and redoing most of the second mitten because I had forgotten an entire step. They are unblocked and therefore wonky looking, but they are on their recip
The Bees: Cuddly bean. 😍
The Bees: Now THAT is a beautiful autumn sight!
The Bees: I have the cuddliest date for this wild, happening Saturday night.
The Bees: A snuggly end to a very damp day! Coco is a lovely little furnace when she lies out against me like this.
The Bees: Presenting Her Majesty the Knitting Queen! Royal purple lace robe (#filemotshawl by @hunterhammersen in @gobsmackedyarn), ermine collar (@zenyarngarden) with a shawl pin (@porttofino), and a tiara of yarn (including @yarnindulgences and @madelinetosh) and
The Bees: Off on the road again for work. Coco is unimpressed.
The Bees: Starting to work with Coco on the leash. We just went to the front yard, and she was trembling but did actually have a good sniff. Then she tangled herself around a juniper shrub, and that was a good sign that she was done with that. Baby steps!
The Bees: I had to unravel a section of knitting this afternoon, and Coco very much wanted to help. (I took the photo and then quickly dissuaded her...) I wound the yarn back up, then went to the washroom, and came back to find that she had taken the yarn ball! Dis
The Bees: Stealing blankets, stealing pats, stealing hearts.
The Bees: Stealing my blanket evidently stirred up Coco's mischievous streak. She has now brought Pink Baby up to the couch for some fun!
The Bees: I got up from under my blanket to use the loo; came back to find it was no longer MY blanket. 😆😍
The Bees: She's a good girl, is our Coco.
The Bees: Team pumpkin carving challenge at work. Not bad for 15 minutes' work! (We had 35 but I have a meeting to get to...)
The Bees: Gee, if only Coco could relax...!
The Bees: The look of terror has indeed left her eyes - to be replaced by the look of "come ON, human, why aren't you patting me RIGHT NOW???"
The Bees: Sleepy blep. Or is it a mlem?
The Bees: All of a sudden, I have a lap dog!