really short:
Setting up is fun
really short:
Buncha crackers!
really short:
Beer Pong - we'll force simplify it next year!
really short:
Bass Cast with Billy Bass
really short:
I love Big Mouth Billy
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Clam Roll, the game you can eat!
really short:
Freakin' Bass Cast
really short:
Nice attention to scale detail
really short:
Magic breakfast juice
really short:
The sun feels goooood
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Get on the boat!
really short:
It was a windy but beautiful day
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The DJ sets up his booth
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It's Happy Hour wherever Factor is
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Snagged a manatee!
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The danger zone
really short:
Ready for beer pong
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I escaped set up to play with my buddies!
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They had kids!
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Kind of ugly, but more like latte
really short:
honk honk
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The whole family, angling for bread!
really short:
Nom nom nom
really short:
drip shine
really short:
Regal with a nose fluff
really short:
Gimme that!
really short:
What kid doesn't like to blow bubbles?
really short:
eyeball to eyeball
really short:
Oh my good golly
really short:
More more more