really short:
It is important, when playing guitar hero..
really short:
When playing Guitar Hero
really short:
If you don't have a sweet ass
really short:
Guitar Hero is for serious competitors
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Your hot bitch gets triple points
really short:
Let your hot bitch do what she wants.
really short:
If you aren't with your hot bitch...
really short:
If your lady is with someone else
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It's good to keep your lady in the background
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Sometimes, your lady is really popular
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When a certified Guitar Hero...
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Monte says...
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It is important to practice "smell the fart acting"
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Feign fear, win in the rear!
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Strangers welcome.
really short:
when memorializing Guitar Hero..
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Lean back
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Lead paint is NOT for toddler consumption
really short:
"did you get the back to back!?!?"
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Nona ponders..
really short:
A mighty wind
really short:
Wait, what about this back to back?
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Don't get caught red handed
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Intimidate your competitors
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It is imperative to have fun.
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Bring a friend named poopster
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Don't be in a coma
really short:
Important person of the year award