really short: Don't throw gum
really short: Lots of people
really short: Who ARE these people
really short: Tom says cheers
really short: Bridge head
really short: Doodly dee
really short: Bridge
really short: Two! Two big fat beers!
really short: water, boats
really short: Talking bout people
really short: Maybe that's some ridiculous island?
really short: More bridge
really short: So guys...
really short: zzzzzzzzzzzz
really short: Ok, great, bridge
really short: Lisa Lisa
really short: South Street sassafrass
really short: Tom and Gail
really short: thinking
really short: Look at Tom's head
really short: Bright, but not warm
really short: Smiles
really short: storage
really short: Danger
really short: Don't lean too far!
really short: Where did I go?
really short: people who need people