Elizabeth McQuern:
Nellie loves Keith...'s tasty head
Elizabeth McQuern:
Andrew and Tammy get ready to whack the pinata...Keith and Nellie stand ready
Elizabeth McQuern:
Andrew says "who wants to take a whack?"
Elizabeth McQuern:
Nellie and Keith wonder what Andrew's pinata is full of
Elizabeth McQuern:
Growns ups scrambling for candy on the floor after the pinata broke...how dignified!
Elizabeth McQuern:
Bryan puts on a dinosaur tattoo
Elizabeth McQuern:
Bryan's bad-ass dinosaur tattoo
Elizabeth McQuern:
Bryan rolls up his sleeve so we can all see his dinosaur tattoo
Elizabeth McQuern:
Bryan the donkey cyclops
Elizabeth McQuern:
Poor little pinata donkey...
Elizabeth McQuern:
Andrew and Bryan, wearing a pinata eyeball