The Bagboy: Me and Cassie
The Bagboy: Sara gives Cassie a sexy dance
The Bagboy: Party Sandy!
The Bagboy: Sara looks hot. I just look drunk.
The Bagboy: Giggling
The Bagboy: Dinah's confused by the party poppers.
The Bagboy: Sara dances with herself
The Bagboy: Dinah's saddened by the party poppers.
The Bagboy: Entirely too much tongue in this picture
The Bagboy: Sandy!
The Bagboy: Sandy, Kelly, Jonathan, Taryn and Sara
The Bagboy: Tim and Cassie (Nice try, Tim)
The Bagboy: Big Dave
The Bagboy: Me and Jess
The Bagboy: Me and Dinah
The Bagboy: Rock your face, 2006!
The Bagboy: A very happy New Year
The Bagboy: J-Nor and Me
The Bagboy: Amber and Alan
The Bagboy: Me and Nathan
The Bagboy: Rock on Sara. Rock on.
The Bagboy: Party folks
The Bagboy: More party folks
The Bagboy: Smoky
The Bagboy: Funny, Amber.
The Bagboy: Nicely framed
The Bagboy: Jess and Me
The Bagboy: Me and Sara
The Bagboy: Me and Dinah
The Bagboy: Me and the lovely ladies