theartofaccessories: Decided to join the #100happydays to focus more on the positive things in life. For 1/100 today what made me so happy was picking out new knitting patterns! North Fork and Camilla will be on my needles next! #100happydaysofDWJ #knitting
theartofaccessories: 5/100 #100happydaysofDWJ summer sneakers and chevrons!
theartofaccessories: 6/100 #100happydaysofDWJ my birthday guy!
theartofaccessories: 7/100 #100happydaysofdwj after a long weekend of celebrating it's nice to lay on the couch with Cher at my feet, catching up on the DVR and making progress on my knitting. #cherstagrams #knitting
theartofaccessories: My lunch break is way better than yours.
theartofaccessories: 2/100 #100happydaysofDWJ summer haircuts! Every woman in the shop was getting a summer weave and I was the one girl cutting it all off.
theartofaccessories: 4/100 #100happydaysofDWJ Yarn deliveries! Going to start my summer tee with @berrocodesign Lago in a fun color palette. #yarn #knitting
theartofaccessories: 15/100 #100happydaysofDWJ sparkly slippers with bows! No cuter way to rest your feet. #sparklehard
theartofaccessories: 16/100 #100happydaysofDWJ drinks and dinner with my BFF @jesswonderland makes me insanely happy!
theartofaccessories: 17/100 #100happydaysofdwj It's rare that I take the Metro to work but when I walked through McPherson Square this morning I remembered the only good thing about taking the Metro. There is a man who waves and says good morning to everyone who passes him. S
theartofaccessories: 18/100 #100happydaysofDWJ I was without my cell phone for most of the day so I didn't really take any pictures. It was still a good day - an early out, a good bargain, a little time with our godsons. But no photographic proof. So instead today I give you
theartofaccessories: 19/100 #100happydaysofdwj today we celebrated Jaxon turning 2 and Ajani turning 13. Jax was too busy playing with the BBQ grill we got him to take a picture and @aj_get_buckets was too cool to smile (teenagers!). #godsons
theartofaccessories: 20/100 #100happydaysofDWJ now that we finished all the painting and floors upstairs I can get my office/craft room together! Pegboard for yarn storage was installed and will be painted this week! #yarn #knitting #dwjknits
theartofaccessories: 21/100 #100happydaysofDWJ this will be the summer of sneakers. I happily found out I did not tear my meniscus today but I do have some joint issues. I will happily wear a knee brace and sneakers and go to PT instead of having to have knee surgery.
theartofaccessories: 8/100 #100happydaysofdwj Happy 10th birthday to our Cher Bear! When we adopted her 7 months ago people were worried because she was old. I was worried I wouldn't spoil her enough after her 3 years in 3 shelters. Old dogs need loving homes too! Here's to o
theartofaccessories: 10/100 #100happydaysofdwj I love knitting. Working on the fit of the North Fork tee. It knit up so quickly and the metallic yarn is so fun! #knitting #yarn
theartofaccessories: 12/100 #100happydaysofdwj I found the most perfect patterned maxi dress. The colors just make me smile and the doggy sunning herself is pretty cute too. #cherstagram
theartofaccessories: 14/100 #100happydaysofDWJ I like my quiet evenings with Cher. #cherstagrams #dwjknits
theartofaccessories: 22/100 #100happydaysofdwj today's joy comes from #BarkCam! Any app that let's me capture Cher's attention by making the sound of a doorbell (she always thinks she has company coming over) and let's me put a mustache on her is okay in my book! #cherstagram
theartofaccessories: 23/100 #100happydaysofdwj oh it's a good day because it's #WorkfromhomeWednesday! I'm up and productive and even made myself a great breakfast (I always think of you @mimistyle when I poach an egg!)
theartofaccessories: 24/100 #100happydaysofdwj this spot on my couch with my favorite blanket. Since my knee is giving me a bit of pain these days I spend a lot of my evenings here with Cher laying on the back of the couch keeping me company.
theartofaccessories: 25/100 #100happydaysofDWJ still working on perfecting Cher-fies while waiting for @kenyc24 to pick up dinner. Not a bad way to spend my Friday evening. #cherstagrams #ilovemydog
theartofaccessories: 26/100 #100happydaysofDWJ We survived a trip to Ikea! (And bumped into the Tobins @leahktobin) And since the line for cinnamon buns was too long chocolate was a tasty replacement.
theartofaccessories: 27/100 #100happydaysofDWJ organizing my knitting stuff. #knitting #yarn #dwjknits
theartofaccessories: 28/100 #100happydaysofdwj spent almost two hours catching up with a girlfriend tonight. Yes...I still have a house phone.
theartofaccessories: 29/100 #100happydaysofDWJ thank goodness for health insurance and physical therapy.
theartofaccessories: 30/100 #100happydaysofDWJ happiness is walking the dog before storms roll in. Cher and I do not enjoy rainy or stormy walks.
theartofaccessories: 32/100 #100happydaysofdwj gelato!
theartofaccessories: 33/100 #100happydaysofdwj post family dinner selfies! Just missing @kenyc24 tonight.
theartofaccessories: 34/100 #100happydaysofdwj she got real quiet and I turned around and she's giving me this look lounging on the stairs. #heygirl #cherstagrams