The Armatura Press: Cavalry harness junctions
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: Wiesbaden
The Armatura Press: ORL Strecke 3: Saalburg
The Armatura Press: ORL Strecke 3: Saalburg
The Armatura Press: Cirencester
The Armatura Press: Newcastle
The Armatura Press: Roecliffe
The Armatura Press: ORL Strecke 1
The Armatura Press: Gundestrup Cauldron
The Armatura Press: Carlisle wooden cantle
The Armatura Press: Newstead saddle horns
The Armatura Press: Chamfron
The Armatura Press: Vindolanda chamfron
The Armatura Press: Vindolanda chamfron
The Armatura Press: Learchild cheekpiece
The Armatura Press: The Crosby Garrett helmet
The Armatura Press: The Crosby Garrett helmet