The Armatura Press: The Roman Soldier
The Armatura Press: Forestier: Imperator
The Armatura Press: Forestier: Bronze-Age warriors
The Armatura Press: Forestier: Italic Bronze-Age warriors on look-out
The Armatura Press: Forestier: An Italic farmer of the Bronze Age arming for battle
The Armatura Press: Forestier: A hoplite in the army of Servius Tullius
The Armatura Press: Forestier: A scene at an Etruscan feast
The Armatura Press: Forestier: Rorarius and triarius of Camillus
The Armatura Press: Forestier: An infantryman at an inn
The Armatura Press: Forestier: The cornicen or trumpeter
The Armatura Press: Forestier: Gladiators. The end of the combat
The Armatura Press: Forestier: The impeditus, or fully-equipped foot soldier
The Armatura Press: Forestier: A standard-bearer in the field
The Armatura Press: Forestier: A legionary guarding captives in the field
The Armatura Press: Forestier
The Armatura Press: Forestier: A halt by the roadside
The Armatura Press: Forestier: Auxiliary cavalry attacking German tribesmen
The Armatura Press: Forestier: Light spear-men or slingers
The Armatura Press: Forestier: A legionary sentry
The Armatura Press: Forestier: In weapons the process becomes complete
The Armatura Press: Forestier: A centurion on the march
The Armatura Press: Forestier: Or in stock issues of different armouries
The Armatura Press: Forestier: At a post-house
The Armatura Press: Forestier: The cohorts or auxiliaries were stationed in small forts
The Armatura Press: Forestier: A fort in Cumberland
The Armatura Press: Forestier: Situated at strategic points
The Armatura Press: Forestier: Outside a permanent camp in Germany
The Armatura Press: Forestier: Their equipment also moves towards standardisation
The Armatura Press: Forestier: An auxiliary at a ferry on the Tyne
The Armatura Press: Forestier: Yet many corps retain distinctive weapons