Thea Prum: The Houghton Pond playground.
Thea Prum: Heading to the trailhead.
Thea Prum: Hiking the Skyline Loop trail
Thea Prum: The going gets tougher in the ascent.
Thea Prum: Come on up, one step at a time.
Thea Prum: On top of the hill.
Thea Prum: On top of the hill.
Thea Prum: It's a steep descent.
Thea Prum: Follow the blue trail.
Thea Prum: The steep final stretch up the Great Blue Hill.
Thea Prum: Are we there yet?
Thea Prum: The North Skyline trail crowd.
Thea Prum: Eliot Tower
Thea Prum: Eliot Tower at the Blue Hills
Thea Prum: Taking a snickers break at the summit.
Thea Prum: On top of Eliot's tower.
Thea Prum: A smartphone in one hand, and her trusty ghetto hiking stick in the other.
Thea Prum: Watch out below, she's coming down hot.
Thea Prum: Lonesome walk in the wood in Autumn
Thea Prum: In the home stretch.
Thea Prum: By the children's playground.
Thea Prum: It's time to flex those curve.
Thea Prum: The children's crowd at Houghton Pond playground.
Thea Prum: By Houghton Pond
Thea Prum: Under the shadow of something greater.
Thea Prum: We're reached the end of the trail. It's time to celebrate girl.