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Hiking the Skyline Loop trail by Thea Prum
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Thea Prum
The Houghton Pond playground.
Thea Prum
Heading to the trailhead.
Thea Prum
Hiking the Skyline Loop trail
Thea Prum
The going gets tougher in the ascent.
Thea Prum
Come on up, one step at a time.
Thea Prum
On top of the hill.
Thea Prum
On top of the hill.
Thea Prum
It's a steep descent.
Thea Prum
Follow the blue trail.
Thea Prum
The steep final stretch up the Great Blue Hill.
Thea Prum
Are we there yet?
Thea Prum
The North Skyline trail crowd.
Thea Prum
Eliot Tower
Thea Prum
Eliot Tower at the Blue Hills
Thea Prum
Taking a snickers break at the summit.
Thea Prum
On top of Eliot's tower.
Thea Prum
A smartphone in one hand, and her trusty ghetto hiking stick in the other.
Thea Prum
Watch out below, she's coming down hot.
Thea Prum
Lonesome walk in the wood in Autumn
Thea Prum
In the home stretch.
Thea Prum
By the children's playground.
Thea Prum
It's time to flex those curve.
Thea Prum
The children's crowd at Houghton Pond playground.
Thea Prum
By Houghton Pond
Thea Prum
Under the shadow of something greater.
Thea Prum
We're reached the end of the trail. It's time to celebrate girl.