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Alpine Adventures NH Offroad Tour by Thea Prum
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Thea Prum
Everyone still back there?
Thea Prum
We're over a big hump.
Thea Prum
The bad guys are coming after us.
Thea Prum
Oh no, the bad guys are coming.
Thea Prum
And they've got us good.
Thea Prum
A view from the summit.
Thea Prum
And we're made it to the summit safe and sound. We didn't loose any tourists along the way either.
Thea Prum
The two amigos.
Thea Prum
The Pinzgauers of Alpine Adventures NH carried us to the summit.
Thea Prum
My son next to the Pinzgauers.
Thea Prum
Alpine Adventures NH Offroad Tour
Thea Prum
My son on an Alpine Adventures NH Offroad Tour
Thea Prum
Alpine Adventures NH Offroad Tour
Thea Prum
Welcome to the tree house old man.
Thea Prum
Alpine Adventures NH Offroad Tour
Thea Prum
Alpine Adventures NH tour base camp