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A cold winter's sunset walk in the park by Thea Prum
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Thea Prum
The icy reflection on a frozen wonderland
Thea Prum
Why make a wish upon the star when the moon is so much closer.
Thea Prum
Walking the dogs if you got one. If you don't, walk the imaginary dog.
Thea Prum
Don't walk on the frozen pond quite just yet, not unless you want to be an icycle.
Thea Prum
How does cattails endure in its frozen home I wonder.
Thea Prum
It's a different kind of reflection when the water is frozen.
Thea Prum
Don't bother me man, I'm hooked on Facebook.
Thea Prum
It's a frozen wonderland.
Thea Prum
Would you like to come for a swim with us? The water is a little nippy today.
Thea Prum
A blissful swim in frigid water.