Thea Prum: Gloucester's fishermen memorial.
Thea Prum: Admiring the beautiful day.
Thea Prum: Walking the beach.
Thea Prum: The action at the Gloucester harbor.
Thea Prum: And they're off to the races.
Thea Prum: The old timers favorite hang out spot.
Thea Prum: A delightful sunburst.
Thea Prum: A pink baby crab.
Thea Prum: My son apprecating the busy life of hermit crabs.
Thea Prum: To catch a hermit crab.
Thea Prum: The rocky shore.
Thea Prum: Come sail away with me to the end of the world.
Thea Prum: The magic hour light has touched thee.
Thea Prum: Sailboat anchored at the the harbor's point.