Thea Prum: Nahant Thicket Wildlife Sanctuary
Thea Prum: You're getting sleepy now my sleeping beauty.
Thea Prum: The lost boy of the thicket.
Thea Prum: Nahant Thicket Wildlife Sanctuary
Thea Prum: Nahant Thicket Wildlife Sanctuary
Thea Prum: Applying natural insect repellent. That evidently doesn't appear to work well.
Thea Prum: Nahant Thicket Wildlife Sanctuary
Thea Prum: They're getting bugged by bugs.
Thea Prum: There's beauty in the thicket.
Thea Prum: Are you lost peachy woman?
Thea Prum: Nahant Thicket Wildlife Sanctuary
Thea Prum: A wild morning-glory