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Summer home garden and fruit trees in 85mm by Thea Prum
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Thea Prum
Peegee hydrangea
Thea Prum
Summer home garden and fruit trees in 85mm
Thea Prum
Proud that he just finished mowing the lawn and earning his chore prize.
Thea Prum
A lovely garden phlox greets thee.
Thea Prum
Oldfashioned weigela
Thea Prum
Oldfashioned weigela
Thea Prum
Summer home garden and fruit trees in 85mm
Thea Prum
Summer home garden and fruit trees in 85mm
Thea Prum
Summer home garden and fruit trees in 85mm
Thea Prum
Meadow phlox
Thea Prum
Tall coneflower
Thea Prum
A summer's rose smells the same?
Thea Prum
Asian pears
Thea Prum
Ripe asian pears
Thea Prum
Juicy asian pears
Thea Prum
Summer home garden and fruit trees in 85mm
Thea Prum
A hanging peegee hydrangea wants to touch the sweet earth.
Thea Prum
Peegee hydrangea under the soft setting sun's illumination.