Thea Prum: Reflection of a fine summer's day.
Thea Prum: A magical moment of the magic hour lighting.
Thea Prum: Touched by the golden light.
Thea Prum: A sublime reflection of a summer's day gone by.
Thea Prum: The last magic hour light of the setting sun.
Thea Prum: Staying true to the path and it shall be your deliverance.
Thea Prum: An Angel of Hope
Thea Prum: A tranquil moment at the pond.
Thea Prum: Touch me softly, touch me true oh ye blessed light.
Thea Prum: And it's time for good night, sweet dreams.
Thea Prum: The sublime setting sun panorama.
Thea Prum: Enjoying a blissful swim.
Thea Prum: Do come swim with us for while the day is waning the water is still warm and the atmosphere inviting.
Thea Prum: The final moment has cometh but won't you stay for just a little longer for the night will be cold and long.
Thea Prum: And that's a good night whether ye be beast or man or fowl.
Thea Prum: It's a tranquil golden moment at the pond.