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A sunset nature walk along Horn Pond by Thea Prum
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Thea Prum
People enjoying walks around the pond. And geese enjoying their swim in the pond.
Thea Prum
Admiring wildlife at the boat ramp.
Thea Prum
Ducks and geese.
Thea Prum
Swans in the pond.
Thea Prum
Ducks and geese looking for handout.
Thea Prum
Swans ruffling up their feathers.
Thea Prum
Catch us if you can you land luvver.
Thea Prum
Sweet serenity in the pond.
Thea Prum
Swans enjoying moment of sweet tranquility.
Thea Prum
Was it something I said?
Thea Prum
The magic hour sun light vs dark rain storm.
Thea Prum
Menacing dark storm clouds rolling in.
Thea Prum
We got to hustle dad before we get show by rain or sleek.
Thea Prum
My son taking one last look at the sunset.