Thea Prum: Castle in the Clouds visitor center.
Thea Prum: Castle in the Clouds visitor center's garden.
Thea Prum: Castle in the Clouds visitor center's garden.
Thea Prum: Are you coming or are you gonna hang by that tree all day?
Thea Prum: Castle in the Clouds visitor center.
Thea Prum: The Castle in the Clouds visitor center's garden.
Thea Prum: Mother duck and baby duckling.
Thea Prum: Move over wonder woman, here comes duck woman.
Thea Prum: Castle in the Clouds
Thea Prum: Stained glass painting.
Thea Prum: Stained glass artwork
Thea Prum: Castle in the Clouds stained glass window
Thea Prum: Castle in the Clouds art collection
Thea Prum: A view from the porch
Thea Prum: Castle in the Clouds art work
Thea Prum: Stained glass window.
Thea Prum: Castle in the Clouds master bedroom
Thea Prum: Castle in the Clouds stained glass
Thea Prum: The mother duck
Thea Prum: Castle in the Clouds
Thea Prum: Reach out and touch someone.
Thea Prum: Castle in the Clouds painting
Thea Prum: Oh that's a little duckling in the guest room.
Thea Prum: Photography in the time of corona.
Thea Prum: Castle in the Clouds garden
Thea Prum: Looking fresh at any age.
Thea Prum: Romance under the pergola.
Thea Prum: By the pergola's entrance.
Thea Prum: Under the pergola
Thea Prum: Under the pergola