Thea Prum: Winter's blues.
Thea Prum: Winter's blue.
Thea Prum: Singing in the wind
Thea Prum: A game of playing follow the leader.
Thea Prum: Who you talking to me?
Thea Prum: Life goes on, in the cold or warmth.
Thea Prum: A lone swan. Was it something I said honey?
Thea Prum: When three is a crowd.
Thea Prum: Life goes on, in the cold or warmth.
Thea Prum: Life's blissful moment.
Thea Prum: Life goes on, in the cold or warmth.
Thea Prum: Wake us when spring has cometh.
Thea Prum: A golden moment in flight.
Thea Prum: Catch me if you can you land luvva.
Thea Prum: Making a splash landing.
Thea Prum: A splash landing.
Thea Prum: You going my way?
Thea Prum: Who is your hair stylist mr cool? I really like the look.
Thea Prum: Sleep tight sweet dream little swan.
Thea Prum: Going my own way.
Thea Prum: Life goes on, in the cold or warmth.