bronx.: 260: I am half and half.
bronx.: 210: I miss long hair.
bronx.: 206: I wear my boyfriend's shirts for more than just comfort.
bronx.: .7122
bronx.: 201: I wish I had wings.
bronx.: 00:53
bronx.: I long for rain.
bronx.: Sparks.
bronx.: Impatience.
bronx.: Entice.
bronx.: 158: I am a trick of your mind.
bronx.: 146: I do not want to face my college tutors tomorrow.
bronx.: 142: I got my hair cut.
bronx.: 'My name is Karen O.'
bronx.: Angular
bronx.: I have shadow wings.
bronx.: Twist in time.
bronx.: Welcome, to the Moulin Rouge.
bronx.: Morning.
bronx.: First.
bronx.: Best Friend.
bronx.: Shy.
bronx.: 136: I feel immense.
bronx.: Windy City.
bronx.: 124: I have everything I need.
bronx.: 121: I think my mind might explode if I hear one more damn carol.
bronx.: 109: I had a fantastic day today.
bronx.: 085: I ate loads of cookie dough today.
bronx.: 081: I like to think I can be classy.