Johnny Adams: Why did you bring that other dog here?
Johnny Adams: Candie Perky Sweetie
Johnny Adams: I'm a LAB!
Johnny Adams: CANDIE
Johnny Adams: DSC00014
Johnny Adams: The Big Dog
Johnny Adams: angels
Johnny Adams: Miss Perfect
Johnny Adams: Where is my tail?
Johnny Adams: Candie with her Papa (Grandpa)
Johnny Adams: Morning Papa!! (Grandpa)
Johnny Adams: candie_4
Johnny Adams: Why am I not outside?
Johnny Adams: candie_1
Johnny Adams: DSC00005
Johnny Adams: Candie Pie
Johnny Adams: Candie and Mom - taking a break from work
Johnny Adams: DSC00011
Johnny Adams: DSC00071
Johnny Adams: DSC00003
Johnny Adams: DSC00002
Johnny Adams: Sleeping under mommy's desk
Johnny Adams: DSC00064-1
Johnny Adams: DSC00030-1
Johnny Adams: Out for a stroll
Johnny Adams: DSC00092
Johnny Adams: tounge
Johnny Adams: pouncing in the snow
Johnny Adams: Sleeping in bed
Johnny Adams: DSC00001