hankplank: Madam J - Roatan Favorites - May 2009
hankplank: Madam J - Roatan Favorites - May 2009
hankplank: Green Turtle & Divemaster in Training - Roatan Favorites - May 2009
hankplank: Madam J & Video Light - Roatan Favorites - May 2009
hankplank: Baby Squirrelfish - Roatan Favorites - May 2009
hankplank: Still Life with Grunt - Roatan Favorites - May 2009
hankplank: Smooth Trunkfish - Roatan Favorites - May 2009
hankplank: Sea Finger? Close-up - Roatan Favorites - May 2009
hankplank: Jewel Squid - Submarine Ride 2540 Feet
hankplank: Longspine Squirrelfish Peeking - Roatan Favorites - May 2009
hankplank: Swimming Sea Cucumber - Enypniastes eximia - Submarine Ride 2540 Feet
hankplank: Swimming Sea Cucumber - Enypniastes eximia - Submarine Ride 2540 Feet
hankplank: Brisingid Starfish - Submarine Ride 2540 Feet
hankplank: Deep Sea Lobster
hankplank: Diving Turtle - Roatan - May 2009 Favorites
hankplank: Close-up of Coral Polyps - Roatan - May 2009 Favorites
hankplank: Roatan - May 2009 Favorites
hankplank: Hole in the Wall - Roatan - May 2009 Favorites
hankplank: Hole in the Wall - Roatan - May 2009 Favorites
hankplank: Roatan - May 2009 Favorites
hankplank: Bridled Burrfish - Roatan - May 2009 Favorites
hankplank: Roatan - May 2009 Favorites
hankplank: Basket Star - Roatan - May 2009 Favorites
hankplank: Star Coral - Roatan - May 2009 Favorites
hankplank: Orange Sponge - Roatan - May 2009 Favorites
hankplank: Hungry Sea Turtle - Roatan Favorites - May 2009
hankplank: Hawksbill Turtle - Roatan Favorites - May 2009
hankplank: Roatan Favorites - May 2009
hankplank: Barrel Sponge - Roatan Favorites - May 2009
hankplank: Roatan