hankplank: Wreck diving in St. Martin, off the dutch side.
hankplank: Wreck diving in St. Martin, off the dutch side.
hankplank: Some kind of trumpetfish with a yellow snout.
hankplank: Spotted Moray, swimming around. St. Martin.
hankplank: Honeycomb Cowfish St. Martin.
hankplank: Young sea turtle. St. Martin.
hankplank: Gray Reef Shark. St. Martin.
hankplank: Spotted Moray Through Fan Coral. St. Martin.
hankplank: Shooting fish in a Barrel Sponge. St. Martin.
hankplank: More fish in a barrel sponge. St. Martin.
hankplank: Stealth Trumpetfish. St. Martin.
hankplank: Cool sponges, St. Martin.
hankplank: Cool sponges, St. Martin.
hankplank: Whitespotted Filefish. St. Martin.
hankplank: Whitespotted Filefish. St. Martin.
hankplank: Baby Moray. St. Martin.
hankplank: Southern Stingrays in the sand. St. Martin.
hankplank: Southern Stingrays in the sand. St. Martin.
hankplank: Wreck diving. St. Martin.
hankplank: Wreck diving. St. Martin.
hankplank: Wreck diving. St. Martin.
hankplank: Conch. St. Martin.
hankplank: Wreck Diving. St. Martin.
hankplank: Spiny Lobster. St. Martin.
hankplank: Wreck Diving. St. Martin.
hankplank: Southern Stingray. St. Martin.
hankplank: Spotted Moray. Night diving in St. Marin @ Creole Rock.
hankplank: Spotted Moray. Night diving in St. Marin @ Creole Rock.
hankplank: Spotted Moray. Night diving in St. Marin @ Creole Rock.
hankplank: Spotted Trunkfish. Night diving in St. Marin @ Creole Rock.