The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Urocaridella sp., Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Trapezia sp., Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Trapezia cf., Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Thuridilla gracilis, Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Shrimp ID?, Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Scuba Diving, Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Pseudoceros bifurcus, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Pseudobiceros bedfordi, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Pseudobiceros bedfordi, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Pipefish, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Periclimenes imperator, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Paradoris liturata, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Nembrotha yonowae, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Nembrotha kubaryana, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Marine Spider, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Hypselodoris bullockii, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Heteronucia laminata, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Halgerda batangas, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Galathea sp., scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Devil Stinger, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippinesnen
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Decorator crab, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Cymo sp. hairy coral crab, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Cymbiola sp., scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Cuapetes sp., scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Cinetorhynchus reticulatus, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Asteronotus cespitosus, nudibranch, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines
The Three P Beach Resort Romblon: Anemonenfisch, scuba diving Romblon Island, Philippines