The Taybor:
Andrew at the Louvre
The Taybor:
The Louvre
The Taybor:
People in Glass Pyramids...
The Taybor:
Notre Dame de Paris
The Taybor:
The Taybor:
Tour Eiffel
The Taybor:
Top of the Tower
The Taybor:
The Eiffel Tower
The Taybor:
Ironwork Silhouette
The Taybor:
Ironwork detail
The Taybor:
The Taybor:
Jauntily Angled Eiffel Tower
The Taybor:
Tour Eiffel round the bend
The Taybor:
Climbing the tower
The Taybor:
The Taybor:
West Entrance
The Taybor:
Notre Dame
The Taybor:
At the base
The Taybor:
Arc de Triomphe